Initiated and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, InnoPower@JC: Fellowship for Teachers aims to build teachers’ capacity through a series of trainings, co-learning and incubation support.


  • In the 10-week program, Teacher Fellows co-learn with cross-sectoral pioneers and experience a two-week overseas learning journey.
  • Upon completing the sabbatical, Teacher Fellows develop and incubate their own change projects at schools to innovate on teaching and learning.
  • Ednovators provides continuous support to Teacher Fellows and their innovation teams in schools through mentoring, customized training and experience sharing within and beyond the fellowship year.


As of 2020, Ednovators has developed training for 4 cohorts of Teacher Fellows (52 Teacher Fellows and 104 Buddies from local primary, secondary and special needs schools) and supported them to start and sustain initiatives to bring better learning to students. Throughout the years, Ednovators has also built a growing community of innovative teachers and school leaders for continuous experience sharing and mutual learning.

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About Ednovators

Ednovators is a local charity founded by a group of education innovators. We inspire educators and cross-sector stakeholders to transform education and give hope to future generations of Hong Kong. We hope to see every child experience a learning journey that recognizes their unique gifts and needs, prepares them for a future that we don’t yet know, and empowers them to create their own meaningful lives.

Ednovators is a tax-exempt charity (No.: 91/14481) under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong.